Unit 78 - Digital Graphics

Adobe Photoshop -
 .psd project file
Uses layers
A - Transparncy

PUBG Main Poster
PUBG poster
PUBG Helmet poster
TABG Poster
TABG Twitch Poster
Photoshoping Game poster


Artistic style-

Graphics (Isometric, perspective)

Concept art (link to concept art)

Texture (warp, 3d uv wraping, how its applied in crocs eg characters maps)
what are and what is used

HUD (Health, Mana, Currency)

How i developed my poster. (research, photoshop manipulation, text edit, why colour font and graphics)

Compression (Lossy,lossless, rgba, Vecter - [.psd, large and can be scaled], raster-[blured when scaled and usually png])

resolution (whats the dpi [70 video, 300 picture])

The Dpi for my poster is 300 .

Pixel and aspect ratio (frame size for game)

Storage and naming convention
hardware requirments
